
Three positive things, day sixteen

Today was a bit humdrum and certainly didn't live up to yesterday's excitement.

One positive thing was pulling my hair out wondering why something wasn't working correctly on a project that I was working, only to talk to a coworker and realized that no, the changes I thought were missing just hadn't been added in yet. In lay person's terms, think of it like I had looked at a bunch of decorated cakes but forgot that the cake *I* was doing hadn't been decorated yet. Duh. So yay, I wasn't going crazy ;-)


OfficeTime is on sale

The excellent time tracking app OfficeTime is on sale today at MacUpdate Promo. I had actually considered buying it two weeks ago when I needed a time tracking app but went with On The Job instead as it was half of the other tool's price. In typical fashion I've since wished I had OfficeTime due to the increased functionality but am now stuck with On The Job. Doh.



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