Of course masks stop Covid, are you a Trumper?


Of course masks stop transmission of COVID-19, didn't you see Fauci's interview?

Oh wait, not that one, this one:

No, this one:

It's your fault for not wearing a mask properly if you inadvertently spread covid to other people:

Or just wear two masks, that way if the first one doesn't stop Covid then obviously the second will stop it:

It doesn't matter that a multi-year review of 78 studies couldn't find reliable evidence, one of the studies showed there was a 40% reduction in cases, it doesn't matter that it was a poorly ran study or that other studies showed that there was an increase in cases if people wore masks, all that matters is this one study that proves my point, not the rest of them.

And besides, that study was retracted, the CDC Director said so. Ok, fine, it wasn't retracted but it should have been because it contradicted Fauci.

There was complete consensus on the topic!

But even if it doesn't protect you, Fauci says that wearing a mask will protect other people:

So it won't protect you if you aren't currently ill but other people are.. but it will protect the other people who are also wearing masks because it... but wait, they aren't protected either because they're other "me's" so their wearing a mask.. I'm not sure.. the logic's a little confusing.. but really that doesn't matter because Fauci said it's for protecting other people, and only horrible monsters don't want to protect other people.

I don't care that evidence shows there's no difference in community transmission depending on mask wearing, those people in Florida were obviously lying. And because it's Florida, they're a joke.

Even the CDC says that masks are important to reducing transmission of Covid, they did a study on it. No, not that study that showed masks don't make a difference, there's another one, somewhere. I'm sure the CDC will find the data that shows masks are effective.

And the WHO said it too back in 2019.

Besides, Covid is a serious killer no matter your age or how good your health is. Ok, maybe Covid isn't a threat for anyone not already seriously ill, and and treating it early doesn't matter, just wait 'til you're turning blue then go to the ER.

Besides, what's important is to reduce the spread of covid in schools by forcing kids to wear masks for ten+ hours each day, and no I don't care that a leading study shows it made no difference, those kids just need to do what they're told.

And it was clear by 2021 that masks helped. No, sorry, there was a different graph. I'm sure there was.

So if you aren't willing to wear a mask then I'll wear one instead of you. It won't make any difference to either of us, but clearly you don't understand what Fauci said and I need to demonstrate it to you.

Yes, I'd love a cup of tea, thank you.

Ah it's fine, I'll just take off the mask while I'm having the tea.

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