Florida DrupalCamp 2010 presentations


At the recent FLDrupalCamp 2010 I made three presentations:

  • Drupal Site Structures - how to leverage Drupal's taxonomy system to build out your site's architecture, and various ways of making it more flexible depending on your needs.
  • Searching Drupal - an update of my presentation by the same name from FLDrupalCamp 2009, I show how the search engine shouldn't be overlooked when building a site, and how to make it more powerful.
  • Giving Drupal an Oil Change - the final session in the beginner's track, I show a few steps on how to prep your site for uploading to its final destination and how to maintain it later.

I've added a sidebar block that lists all of these, plus the searching-drupal presentation from 2009.  If you have any feedback on these please leave feedback on the FLDrupalCamp.org pages linked-to above.

How to reply

Care to add your own 2 cents? Let me know via Twitter or my contact page.