Submitted by Damien on
There are a whole bunch of different programs out there for burning CDs and DVDs, my favorite over the years has been Nero Burning ROM. There's a new version (v7.0) available nd I've been trying it out for a few days, and I must admit that it is simply awesome! A common complaint of older versions was that it was difficult to use, well this version has had a whole bunch of little tweaks here and there that really improve this - little things like giving you an option of making a second copy when you burn a disc really add to the usability. Along with that are a host of new features for handling media - music, movies, etc, that will greatly round off the functionality of the program meaning you'll need less software installed on your PC to do the same tasks. If you get a chance to get it, make sure you do, it'll greatly simplify your CD & DVD burning needs.