
iPhone spam, after less than 24 hours?

You can tell the world is a-buzz about something when you start receiving spam about it less than 24 hours after its unveiling. That's right, at 4am this morning I received an email telling me that my iPhone was ready to ship. While I have to 100% agree that I'd utterly love one, a) they're not going to ship until June, and b) nobody's going to send me an email out of the blue saying that they're shipping me one - I just ain't that lucky. That said, if anyone did want to send me one, how about one for my wife too? ;-)


Entourage won't start? Try option-start

Today at work Entourage 2004 decided it had enough of life and didn't want to start. Not having had this happen before I did a quick Google to discover that if you hold down the option key while double-clicking it (or single-clicking the dock icon) to start it will pop up a database repair utility which will hopefully be able to fix any problems. Cool!



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