
Three positive things, day twenty nine

Hello Wednesday!

The first positive thing today was remembering to mute my microphone before blowing my nose during the plethora of calls I had today. I'll get the hang of this thing eventually! ;-)

The second positive thing was my #awesomewife surprising me with (mostly) homemade curry for lunch! Yum!

The third positive thing was my #awesomewife finishing her prep work for next year's homeschooling - everything's ready to go! She can now relax and not worry about it for the next week & a half. Yay!


Three positive things, day twenty eight

Another busy Tuesday, made more interesting by the fact that I had some colorful sinus problems. And by "colorful" I meant "green-ish, brown-ish ugh".

The first positive thing was working with "live, via satellite" with people in two different countries via conference call / screensharing. It was quite an interesting time.


Three positive things, day twenty seven

It's August? Already? Who said it was allowed to be August already?

The first positive thing was Kian saying some new words. For the life of me I can't remember what they were, but his vocabulary is slowing increasing.

The second positive thing was noticing this story: I mean, how can you not laugh? :-)


Three positive things, day twenty six

That was a pretty good Sunday :)

The first positive thing was a trip to a playground that my wife found online. It was at a school in a town called New Boston and it was surprisingly well taken care of, and fun :) One problem we have with many of the schools in the Keene area is that they don't take care of their playgrounds, so it was nice to see one that was in good shape.


Three positive things, day twenty five

So today was Saturday - my #awesomewife took our kids to some museums in Western Massachusetts while I worked on some things.

The first positive thing was getting huge smiles from Kian when he woke up. Some mornings he's fussy when he wakens up, but this morning he was all smiles.



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