
Exchange Server login name

For ages I had problem with the login name with the email system they have at work, Microsoft Exchange Server 2000. While it would work fine via the MAPI or web interfaces, I couldn't get it to work via POP3 or IMAP4. Searching online brought up the notion of using a special sequence as the login name, domain\username\mailbox, so it'd be something like geeksrv\Damien McKenna\dmckenna.


Why you should use the OpenDocument format

Here's a really great explanation of why you should care about the new OpenDocument format found in, KOffice and others, rather than using proprietary formats like those used by Microsoft Office. Unlike most technical articles this one is straight forward enough that almost anyone should be able to understand it.


Norway gives 100% control of public video to Microsoft, MS gets angry

Norway has announced that they will be making 20,000 video clips and twelve radio stations available online. The only problem is that it is tied to Microsoft's Windows Media Center Edition software which must be installed on your PC before you can view any of it. This rules out anyone who either doesn't have the money to buy this special edition of Windows, who doesn't have the expertise to install it, or who doesn't use or want to use Windows in the first place e.g.



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