On contributing to Drupal 8 [updated] Submitted by Damien on Sun, 09/08/2013 - 3:17pm Recently Drupal 8's development reached two milestones that have created lots of discussion – contrib project maintainers are now being asked to start porting their modules, and two well known core contributors (Dave Reid, Nate "quicksketch" Haug) have asked to be at least partially removed from the list of core maintainers. As a long time contributor, I'd like to share my opinion on these.Tags: Drupalcontribrantdon't panic Read more about On contributing to Drupal 8 [updated]Log in or register to post comments
Kids today *can't* use computers [updated] Submitted by Damien on Fri, 08/09/2013 - 8:30pm http://www.coding2learn.org/blog/2013/07/29/kids-cant-use-computers/This excellent article, written by a teacher in the UK, breaks down the myth that today's kids are geniuses with computers and anything technology-related. Read more about Kids today *can't* use computers [updated]Log in or register to post comments