Why PHP is still an immature language


A thread came up on Slashdot today about the security problems of PHP and software written using it. Given that this is as much of a major problem today as it was five years ago when version 4 was released (that was supposed to start fixing the security problems), and given how bad most PHP code still is today, I added in my own $0.02:

From my experience the main cause of insecure PHP software is developers not turning the error validation to the highest during development, so when an unsuspecting user downloads the software little do they know that their system can and often is wide open to stupid bugs and security problems. When you leave error_reporting to the default setting you miss lots of important details, like array keys being passed as constants, variables being referenced before they're created (especially with arrays), incorrect return types, etc, etc, yet people wonder why their code is so buggy? I was installing vtiger, which is a pretty comprehensive CRM that has lots of potential to hit it big, the other night for a client and was slamming my had against the wall at the sheer number of stupid syntax bugs that were in the system.

How many programs out there tell you to turn on the old register_globals that everyone knew was a huge security problem?

How many programs tell you to turn down the error_reporting level to hide their development incompetence?

I was actually considering starting a movement to have the PHP community clean up their act, we'll see if its still needed after the dust settles from this.

Personally I think that with PHP 5 they should have stopped supporting deprecated coding practices, like accepting invalid variables and invalid array keys, so that this stupidity could finally stop.

That's why I don't do much with PHP anymore, a large portion of the open source projects that clients want you to "make work" are riddled with utterly stupid mistakes that you spend days if not weeks cleaning it up before you can actually start doing any work.

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