
Amazing photos from Kentucky's horrendous ice storm

Kentucky has been going through some tough times with a horrendous ice storm that has devastated the western side of the state. Someone posted a link to a blog of a KY inhabitant detailing the destruction with some breathtaking photos and a note that they don't expect to receive power for several more weeks. Ugh. The conversation with my wife included the following:

Wife: "This is a storm of a century, something that only happens once in a lifetime!"


I just love Drupal's architecture - export & API hooks

While the architecture itself is improving with age, I just love that so many modules have followed Drupal's concepts and have added API hooks all over the place. For example, in the new Panels 2 you can export panels to files then set them up in a module with e.g. a default_panel_minis hook to have them automatically loaded. This allows you then to develop complex views and panels locally, push your module to the production server and have the new views and panels automatically show up - pure awesomeness!


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