Open source

Catfish fun with is a wonderful library of Javascript functions for doing lots of buzzword-friendly snazzy effects. A recent schmancy JS trick is the catfish - a small, unintrusive advertisement that pops up at the bottom of the web page and can be closed without affecting the web page. Looking around I didn't see any existing code to do catfish effects with so I decided I'd have to fill the gap.


Why PHP is still an immature language

A thread came up on Slashdot today about the security problems of PHP and software written using it. Given that this is as much of a major problem today as it was five years ago when version 4 was released (that was supposed to start fixing the security problems), and given how bad most PHP code still is today, I added in my own $0.02:


WP-Cache + password-protected pages = problems

I have discovered that, despite recommendations, it is not advised to use the Wordpress plugin WP-Cache if you use password-protected pages as it stops them working correctly. If you turn on WP-Cache and view a password protected page that you have not previously viewed it will cache a copy of the login page and never let any visitors access the content; if you view a page that you have previously viewed before enabling the cache it will cache the full page, letting everyone who views your site see the page.



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