
Three positive things, day two

So, as part of my "Three Positive Things" self therapy, here's my list for today.

Firstly, I applied my patent-pending "Australia" technique to turn an grumpy & fussing li'l monster into a giggling toddler - I held him upside-down :-) While this technique may not work for very long - he's likely to outgrow it - it works rather well at the moment.

Secondly, I had a ukulele class with our eldest, a friend, and a really cool teacher. But no, my dog doesn't have any fleas, despite the teacher's insistence that he does. ;-)


Three positive things, day one

You might not know it, but I have a bit of a negative personality - I have a tendency of pointing out negative things about something rather than start with praising the positive. While it may not seem like a huge deal, when this is my automatic reaction, and because I still haven't worked my way out of the habit, my wife asked me to try something to change it.


Amazing photos from Kentucky's horrendous ice storm

Kentucky has been going through some tough times with a horrendous ice storm that has devastated the western side of the state. Someone posted a link to a blog of a KY inhabitant detailing the destruction with some breathtaking photos and a note that they don't expect to receive power for several more weeks. Ugh. The conversation with my wife included the following:

Wife: "This is a storm of a century, something that only happens once in a lifetime!"



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